FTL Captains Edition: Call for Events/Textlists

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Re: FTL Captains Edition: Call for Events/Textlists

Postby PiratedChaos » Sun Mar 08, 2015 3:06 am

Crystalline-Rebel Alliance

Occurs in: Crystal Sector, Rebel Sector, Rebel Stronghold

As you arrive in the sector you see a Rebel escorting a Crystalline Cruiser on the horizon. You don't know what happened, but they have not seen you yet.

1. Investigate
-You head closer to the pair of ships. Suddenly, the Rebel fires at you, and you are taken by surprise and have a disabled engine!
(Kill a rebel)
-As you take a look, the Crystal Ship suddenly fires a crystal shard into the Rebel's hull. You finish the job, and the Crystalline ship offers a reward for your help. (High Scrap and Resources + Augment)
-The ship rumbles closer. Suddenly, the Crystalline Ship kills the rebel, and focus fires on you! "The only way out is to talk or battle."
(Talk to Crystalman)

2. Leave
-It's too dangerous to have both a Crystal and a Rebel attacking you. You prepare the FTL drive.

3.(Crystalline Crew) Talk to the Crystal
-Your Crystal hails the Crystalline Cruiser and asks what's happening. "We have..created an 'alliance' between the Rebels...but you are one of our own. Take this prototype weapon."(Crystal Weapon + Medium Scrap)
-You contact the ship on Crystal comm. channels. The Crystalline responds with a angry curse and opens fire!(Fight a crystal)

Kill a rebel

When Killed:
-The rebel explodes, leaving behind a good amount of scrap material.(High Scrap/Resources and talk to crystal)
-You kill all the crew and discover a secret Crystalline weapon! The Rebels must have been sharing weaponry with the Crystals!(Random Crystal weapon + Talk to a crystal)

Kill a Crystal

When killed:
-The Crystal ship explodes, leaving behind a good amount of crystal shards and scrap.(High scrap/resources)
-The crew on the ship have been killed, but as you scrap the cruiser you discover a Rebel weapon, modified to shoot quicker!(High Scrap + Random standard weapon)

Talk to Crystal
-"Why are you here? Why had you have to kill our friends?"

1. Explain about the Rebels
-You explain to them about the armada of rebels on your tail."Yes,yes, now we understand. Take this for the help."
(Random weapon)
-While attempting to explain to them about the Rebels, the crystals get restless and power weapons! (Fight a Crystal)
-"We are sorry that we didn't listen to all the warnings. For your troubles, we have a little selection of items to purchase here, and we will repair your ship".(A Crystal shop opens and you get repaired for 15 hull)

2.[color=#00BFFF](Crystal Crew) Have your Crystal talk)/color]
-You explain about the Rebels to the Crystalmen."We are very sorry we weren't listening to all the warnings. For your troubles, we have a prototype weapon."(Crystalline weapon)
-"Thank you for telling us about the rebel threat. We have a secret ship booster for you here."(Crystal Vengeance)
-Explaining about the Rebels, the Crystals apologize and inform you of a hidden Crystalline Base!(get a quest marker.)

Hidden Crystal Base

-You find the planet at the indicated coordinates. Your initial scans show the planet to be barren and devoid of life, but you get a prompt reply when you broadcast on Crystalline frequencies. "Hello! We heard about you from our friends. We'll bring you up some supplies."(Scrap and a drone)

-By following the directions given to you, you find a well-disguised outpost. You are welcomed by a friendly face who offers to assist you in your quest by joining your crew.(Crystal crew + Scrap)

-You search the coordinates given to you, and find a well hidden small cache of Crystalline supplies. You take all the loot.(High amount of scrap and resources)
You find a well-hidden Crystalline space-dock. They offer you some supplies in addition to fully repairing your ship.(35 Hull repair + medium amount of scrap and resources)

-You search near the coordinates given to you, but your search yields no results. Perhaps they were mistaken.
-Nothing happens.
2.(Improved Sensors) Run a second scan pass. (Requires level 2 Sensors)
Your Advanced Sensors pick faint signatures of what appears to be a storage space hidden under the rock. You find the access point and discover a supply cache whose Crystalline signal emitter has malfunctioned.
(Medium amount of scrap and resources)
3.(Advanced Sensors) Run a second scan pass. (Requires level 3 Sensors)
Your advanced sensors pick faint signatures of what appears to be a storage space hidden under the rock. You find the access point and discover a weapons cache whose Crystalline signal emitter has malfunctioned.
(medium scrap and weapon)
(Long-Ranged Scanners) Run a second scan pass.
Your improved scanners pick faint signatures of what appears to be a storage space hidden under the rock. You find the access point and discover a weapons cache whose Crystalline signal emitter has malfunctioned.
(medium scrap and weapon)
Won on Hard: All ships! :D
Won on CE Hard: Kestrel A, Engi C, Federation B, Zoltan C, Slug A, Rock B
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Re: FTL Captains Edition: Call for Events/Textlists

Postby PiratedChaos » Sun Mar 08, 2015 3:17 am

Empty Beacon ideas

You arrive in the sector to see a beautiful planet with lush rainforests and small settlements spread across the planet. Seeing that there's nothing of interest, you prepare to move on.

As your view clears, you look around, seeing gorgeous nebulae and distant stars around you. You take a moment to enjoy the scenery and get ready to jump.

While you power up your FTL Drive, you think of what would have been happening if there were no rebels, if everything was perfect, like it was years ago. You dismiss the thought and prepare to leave.
Won on Hard: All ships! :D
Won on CE Hard: Kestrel A, Engi C, Federation B, Zoltan C, Slug A, Rock B
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Re: FTL Captains Edition: Call for Events/Textlists

Postby stylesrj » Sun Mar 08, 2015 3:42 am

Heh, guess what game I've been playing too much of:

Your ship arrives at the beacon. Initially you can't see anything of interest besides a life-sustaining planet but as you're about to move on, your ship is stolen by bats and dragged to an underwater cave. You and your crew have an epic adventure managing supplies, fuel and terror and you find a way north to escape back to the stars loaded with booty.

However upon returning to the beacon, you find out your treasures are not actually of any value for a starship and you jettison it out the airlock. Oh well time to move on.

-insert empty beacon dialogues here-
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Re: FTL Captains Edition: Call for Events/Textlists

Postby Sleeper Service » Sun Mar 08, 2015 2:11 pm

Also you had to do a lot of reading.
(Haven't played it yet, I'll get it eventually when it's on sale)
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Re: FTL Captains Edition: Call for Events/Textlists

Postby CattyNerd » Thu Mar 26, 2015 10:50 pm

So this is an idea I had, though it might need tweaking.
Upon arriving at the beacon, you are greeted by an asteroid field and what seems to be a rebel ship. However, before you can fire up your weapons systems, the ship opens communications with you. Loud music plays in the background. The captain of the other ship explains that they have no intent to fight you, and are just using some asteroids as target practice. They tell you you're free to watch, if you want to.

1. Watch the target practice.
2. Leave them to their games. (End event)

1a. You tell the captain that you're interested. They close the visual comm, but keep the audio on. You find out why as the rebel ship starts firing several volleys of lasers, all to the rhythm of the music. Several of the asteroids crumble and crack with the lasers, even with how much they seem to be missing. After what seems like a few dozen volleys, one asteroid breaks open to reveal a large cache. The rebel captain tells you that you can take the cache of you want; they don't need it.

1. Take the cache and open it.
2. Leave the cache alone. (End Event)
3. (Long-Ranged Scanners) Scan the cache.
4. (Advanced Sensors) Scan the cache.

1a. You bring the cache on-board and open it, only to find that it's completely stuffed to the seams with corpses. You gag at the sight and have the thing jettisoned. (End event)

1b. You pull the cache on-board and open it, only to find that it's leaded with a defective laser weapon, ready to explode! You manage to jettison it back out of the airlock before it instantly destroys your ship, but some of the shrapnel manages to graze your hull. (1-3 hull damage)

1c. You get the cache into the cargo bay and open it up. Inside is a set of small missiles and a bit of scrap. You politely thank the rebel captain and prepare to leave. (Small scrap and 1-3 missiles)

(3 and 4 are the same)

3a.You scan the cache, and are happy to find a decent amount of scrap. Enough to give your hull a good patch-job, but that's about it. You pull the cache on-board and thank the rebel captain. (Medium scrap)

3b. You scan the cache, only to find a full ship's crew worth of corpses. However, one of the bodies is of an Engi, and seems to be merely deactivated. You have your crew get the Engi on board, then jettison the rest of the cache. After reactivating the Engi, they thank you and ask of you can spare a space on your crew for him. (Engi crew memeber)

3c. You scan the cache, and are elated to find a fully-functional laser weapon, ready for installation! And on top of that, a handful of scrap! (Random laser weapon)
if you find anything I should tweak, let me know. This is my first event idea, so any critique is appreciated.
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Re: FTL Captains Edition: Call for Events/Textlists

Postby stylesrj » Thu Mar 26, 2015 11:17 pm

Maybe instead of a crazy Rebel shooting at asteroids to music, it should be a crazy pirate or a mercenary. Because they're more likely to be the quirky sort while the Rebels see your ship and go "I don't care who you are, but no one defies the Rebel Fleet!" and open fire.

Heck there could be a third option to attack the pirate ship, loot its contents then check the asteroid field quickly for why they were performing "Target practice."

Also, perhaps the corpse recovery could also be a chance to bring hostile boarders on the ship. "You discover a bunch of corpses. As you prepare to jettison them out the airlock, the pile stirs and an angry Mantis comes hissing out"

Intruders on board
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Re: FTL Captains Edition: Call for Events/Textlists

Postby Spacemost » Sun Apr 12, 2015 6:27 pm


This beacon is suprisingly empty considering the fighting going on in this sector. You power your FTL drive and get ready to jump when suddenly a huge fleet warps in right in front of you! The fleet seems to majorly consist of engi, with a large group of zoltan and human ships following behind. A closer look causes you to realize that quite a few rockmen, AI, mantis, and slug ships are in the mix. There are even a few lanius there! One of their ships hails you... "We heard about the rebel fleet being here to destroy the federation base and assembled a fleet to help. We see that you are federation and are here to give you whatever you need. Where are the biggest problems?"

1a. Explain that you are going to go fight the rebel flagship, the weakness of their fleet.

1a Answer: "Wait, you mean to tell me that they are sending not only a fleet, but a behemoth that will ahnillate the base, and just you alone are going to go fight it? Well, think again. We will do everything we can to help. We will give you a bunch of our supplies, access to our stores, and firing support during the big battle! We will not lost to the rebels!"

2a. Accept their offer

2a Answer: You take the very generous amount of supplies (Recieve extreme scrap, fuel, missile, and drone reward as well as a weapon, drone and augmentation. Recieve access to store. You will recieve firing support for the rest of your time in the last stand until you beat or fail the game.)
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Re: FTL Captains Edition: Call for Events/Textlists

Postby stylesrj » Sun Apr 12, 2015 6:49 pm

Spacemost wrote:(You will recieve firing support for the rest of your time in the last stand until you beat or fail the game.)

I don't think that's possible unless the augmentation given is "Federation Fire Support" and its only purpose is to be used at every battle for a free friendly ASB.
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Re: FTL Captains Edition: Call for Events/Textlists

Postby stylesrj » Thu Apr 16, 2015 7:18 pm

Just an idea:

1) You encounter a Zoltan ship. The Captain accidentally mentions something about a Forbidden Zone in their transmission. If you inquire further, the Zoltan gets angry, says you can't go there and fights your ship. Or you can move on without incident.

2) if you destroy the ship, you get nothing else, but if you take out the crew, you can gather data and be given a quest marker to the Forbidden Zone.

3) At the beacon, all you find is a dead planet. You can gather a few asteroids for some scrap, or go investigate the planet further. (You'll be given a warning that perhaps some things should be left forbidden.)

4) There's a 25% chance if you go to the planet that one of your crew will suddenly go berserk, as if possessed! If you have a Slug, they can prevent this (you'll be given a chance before the intruder event starts). If prevented, a "ghost" (or AI Avatar who thinks its one) will join your crew, apologising for the action and asking that it be taken away from the Forbidden Zone.
There's also a 25% chance you'll encounter a dead colony and the ghost comes onboard your ship. Or you think it's a ghost but it's really an AI Avatar acting as one. It spins you a story about how its planet was destroyed long ago and really needs a ride off it.

5) As soon as you start to leave with your "ghost" friend (or after someone gets possessed), a Rebel ship appears, curious about why the place is forbidden and sees your ship. Fight ensues, standard rewards.

6) The other 50% chance when you land on the planet is you find a dead colony, some useful scrap materials and then you fight a curious Rebel ship.
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Re: FTL Captains Edition: Call for Events/Textlists

Postby redlerred7 » Fri Apr 17, 2015 3:20 am

You find yourself in a rather large asteroid field. You spot a small fleet of automated drones mining scrap out of these asteroids. One of them approaches you, readying it's mining equipment.


It thinks you're scrap metal to be salvaged!

1. Attack!
2. Send them 30 scrap
3. Try to avoid the ship
4. Hack the ship to leave you alone [Hacking]
5. Ask your AI to convince the ship that you're not scrap to be salvaged [AI Avatar]
6. Ask your Engi to convince the ship that you're not scrap to be salvaged [Engi crew member]
7. Use your upgraded engines to avoid the ship [Improved Engines]
8. Activate cloaking and and and hide behind an asteroid [Cloaking]

1) With a small explosion, the ship slowly breaks apart, with a large amount of scrap drifting from the pieces. There's too much to collect with only one pass. You'd have to make a few more passes to collect all of it but you may not have that chance as other AI ships converge to see what caused the explosion. (medium to high scrap rewards)


You decide to

1.1. Leave before they get to you
1.2. Spend extra time to collect more scrap
1.3. Use your scrap recovery arm to collect the extra scrap [Scrap Recovery Arm]
1.4. Use your upgraded engines to collect the scrap faster [Improved Engines]
1.5. Use your stealth to collect the scrap without being bothered. [Stealth]

1.1) You charge up your FTL drive and prepare to jump
1.2) You manage to collect some of the scrap but fail to dodge all the incoming fire from the automated mining ships (low to medium scrap rewards, 3-5 hull damage, fleet pursuit doubled for one jump, ASB starts firing at you)
1.3) Your scrap recovery arm effortlessly collects the scrap floating around with only one extra pass. (medium to high scrap rewards, fleet pursuit doubled for one jump, ASB starts firing at you)
1.4) You expertly maneuver your ship to collect the scrap as fast as possible. You manage to collect most of it right as the mining ships arrive. A shot from the ships rock your hull. You need to leave. Now. (medium to high scrap rewards, 1-3 hull damage, fleet pursuit doubled for one jump, ASB starts firing at you)
1.5) You stealthily collect the scrap. Unfortunately you were only able to collect a fraction of it before the automated mining ships salvaged the rest. (low to medium scrap rewards, fleet pursuit doubled for one jump)

2) You send scrap their way and they graciously accept. Then they open fire. Apparently they still think you're to be salvaged. Arm the weapons! (lose 30 scrap, battle ensues, refer to 1 for what happens next)

3) The ship chases you for some times but eventually gives up and returns to its fleet. You managed to avoid a battle (50% chance, no reward) / The ship relentlessly chases you into a particularly dense area of the field. You have no choice but to turn back and fight. (50% chance, battle ensues, asteroid field environment becomes more hazardous, see 1 for what happens next)

4) You hit their navigation's system and immediately activate the hacking module. The ship starts to spin wildly before crashing into a nearby asteroid. (10% chance, refer to 1 for what happens next) / After a bit of fiddling with with hacking controls, you manage to set the ship on a course back to the mining field. (45% chance, no reward) / You fiddle with the hacking controls for little bit resulting in the ship speeding towards you even faster. Screw this, arm the weapons! (45% chance, battle ensues, refer to 1 for what happens next)

5) You transmit your AI to the ship. After a fair amount of waiting, it comes back saying they'll leave you alone. (33% chance, no reward) / You transmit your AI to the ship. After a few minutes of tense silence, the ship resumes its course towards you. Your AI reforms on your ship looking a little worse for wear. You charge up your weapons and prepare to fight. (34% chance, battle ensues, refer to 1 for what happens next) / You transmit your AI to the ship. After a few minutes of tense silence, the ship resumes its course towards you. Your AI reforms on your ship and quietly tells you that it has been assimilated into the AI collective. It begins to attack! (33% chance, battles ensues, you lose your AI crew member, intruders on-board)

5.1. Prepare to fight
5.2. Use your hacking module to fix your AI crew member [Hacking]
5.3. Have your Engi reprogram the AI [Engi crew member]

5.1) (battle ensues, refer to 1 for what happens next)
5.2) You manage to revert your AI crew member just as the enemy ship arrives. (you gain an AI crew member named Reprogrammed, battle ensues, refer to 1 for what happens next)
5.3) (Refer to 5.2)

6) Your Engi speaks with the ship for a while before the ship eventually turns around and leaves. You ask the Engi what it said and it simply replies that it manipulated the truth to your advantage. You decide it's best not to ask anymore. (50% chance, no reward) / Your Engi speaking with the ship for several minutes until the ship resumes its course towards you. You ask the Engi what it said and it simply replies that it manipulated the truth to your advantage. Looks like the ship didn't believe a word of it. Prepare to fight! (50% chance, a battle ensues, refer to 1 to see what happens next)

7) You managed to avoid the ship (no reward)

8) (refer to 7)