[SHIP] The Bluejay - A Federation+Lanius Combo!

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[SHIP] The Bluejay - A Federation+Lanius Combo!

Postby JakeCollins » Wed Feb 15, 2017 12:48 pm

I've removed this mod, it is no longer accessible.

Sorry! My organization which I am founder and CEO of (This is not my real name) needs to cut this deprecated traffic as we are pursuing much bigger and better things, and this mod is interfering with our site data.

Goodbye to my (and my organization's) involvement in the FTL modding community! Peace out. 8-)

-Wesley Sappington, CEO and Technical Director
Me: Have you ever wanted to explore the galaxy... in a BANANA?
You: No.
Me: Well now you can! Click the link below for the one-and-only Banana Mod!